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Piin-Shiuan Wu, Ph.D.

Project Coordinator

Piin-Shiuan Wu is the Project Coordinator at the Center for Research Evaluation (CERE) at the University of Mississippi. Having a Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology from Indiana University, Bloomington, Piin-Shiuan is trained in Ethnomusicology and Folklore in general and interested in the ways that music is practiced within artistic, literary, filmic, and popular cultural contexts. Her research focuses on Taiwanese and Chinese popular cultures, on the expressive and performative ways in which musical performances, discourse and senses of places articulate, with regards to critical issues in contemporary Taiwan and diasporas. Her approach relies on a wide range of media in which narratives and storytelling play a discursive role, including mass-mediated electric forms such as films and streaming video; musical and communicative acts in cyberspace communities; live mass forms like festival performances, grassroots movements, and tourism productions; print materials including scholarship literatures and creative writings.

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